Congratulations, you have Won the Auction.
During your Rental Period, you make ALL the
selections regarding how you want the Toll-Free Number
to work.
a) You pick the Carrier.
b) You can change the Carrier whenever you want to.
c) You add any Third Party Features that you want.
d) You pay for the call traffic. You see, this is a Toll Free Number.
Calls are free to the caller. The call receiver pays for the call.
That is you.
e) You do not pay us for the Management of the TFN. That means
that we make system changes, or additions at our expense.
Example, if you want to be able to add Texting, to the TFN, we pay
for that feature.
f) You only pay us for the Rental of the Toll-Free Number.
g) While you rent the number for a limited time period, we never offer
the number for rental to another party, during your rental period.
Another words, if you choose to expand your rental period, you
ALWAYS can at any time, during your rental period.
Right now, you need a Carrier.
1) You could start with adding the Toll-Free Number
to your cell phone account. To do that, you could call the
salesperson in that company. They probably will tell you what to do.
We will support whatever they want us to do.
2) Included on our web site, is a simple way to locate carriers.
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